Brian and I were so lucky to spend time with our families in both Minnesota and Seattle. We had a blast in both places - although in MN, we really missed Ryan and Laura who were stranded in Portland because of weather.
During our Seattle Christmas, we had so much fun, we forgot to get out the camera. This year was particularly fun because Nick and Carolyn hung out with us all day! Here's a few takes from our time in the snowy mid-west:
We play a lot of cards, talk and laugh. They make us feel so special when we brave the mile walk across the lake to visit them (when it's really cold, we just drive).
This year, they were cracking us up with a particular story. They were out shopping in St. Cloud, and Grandpa commented how many nice people there were because everyone was holding the doors open for them. Grandma responded, "We are really old, because even the old people are even holding the doors for us." Ha! We should be so lucky!