This morning didn't have much going for it other than we got to see another state or two. However, at the end of the day we knew that we would have a home cooked meal waiting for us in Minnesota. Now before we leave Montana, I think we found the biggest issue of a large state and that apparently is Meth. We saw tons and tons of signs over the course of day two and three all related to meth = death and more. Pretty interesting, but kind of scary considering the implications of meth and other drugs for our nation's future.
The drive through North Dakota was pretty empty, but we did see some grain silos, windmills and a few other random things that I hadn't seen much of, so it was kind of interesting, but I think I was really reaching for anything at this point.
Now onto the good news, we made it to Minnesota and are ready to have a home cooked meal from Sarah's mom, yes! On top of all that we get a non-hotel bed.
sunbrella chaise lounge cushions
4 years ago
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