Thursday, July 12, 2007

Opening Night

I love opening night/weekend at the movies! People get dressed up, cheer at the beginning, cheer at key moments in the story, cheer at the end, and sit through all of the credits. Ok, the last one might just be a California thing, since people are a little closer with people in the movies and LA is arguably the movie capital of the world. But, the crowd turns passive entertainment, watching a movie, into an almost live performance as they urge on the actors...

I didn't go to the biggest theater west of NY, Big Newport in Newport Beach California, which is relatively nearby...didn't know about it until today, dang! If I'm lucky, there will be one more blockbuster, this summer, that I can go see there...if I'm really lucky I will get to go to a release viewing. Wow, how fun would that be?!

Ok, onto the movie. Harry Potter was great! Not the best one of the series (I liked "The Goblet of Fire" the best), but definitely a big screen experience...if I tell you anymore I might ruin your soon to be favorite scene and I don't want to do that.

Next time you go see a movie, go opening night. Grab all your friends, and make an event out of opening night at the movies! Oh, and don't forget me and the wife...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, not the best of the series (where was the requisite quiditch game?) but still pretty good. Pretty dark too.