Well after the cell phone washing incident. I performed open circuit board surgery on the old phone and then attempted to dry poor little phone out. However, I tried my best, but the phone just didn't have the stamina to fight off the cleaning power of Tide with a touch of Downy. I did try the shock pads and the phone revived but was only stable on as long as I kept it on life support and awake. But one tragic night the phone just got tired and decided to go to sleep and never wake again. After a few days of mourning a replacement was found, but the old slider will always be remembered.
For further help with wet cell phones please contact your local digital doctor or for self recovery try this resource
sunbrella chaise lounge cushions
4 years ago
Nice. Is that a new blackjack? How do you like it? Angela just got a new MDA and it is pretty sweet.
The blackjack is pretty nice. I really like the calendar features and everything that comes with Windows Media 5.
Our grandson Caleb had cell phone dunking in the pool. Retrieved immediately and after replacing the battery and drying it out it has worked like a charm. The guy at the store said it would not last long because of the inevitable corrosion. So far so go.
Uncle Jim
p.s. What relation to you would our grandson be?? I get confused with that.
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