The class of 2008 won the intermural softball season and took the championship for the A league! Early on in the seaon we played the class of 2007 and demonstrated our dominance on the field. This created a friendly rivalry especially since they initiated the conflict by letting us know that we had no chance of winning earlier in the week. Long story short we gave them a great game and came out on top to start our season. We also ended our season on a high by beating part of the baseball team and getting the ultimate prize of a t-shirt and a year worth of glory!
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4 years ago
Nice! Definitely better than my team back home has been doing. . . :-)
- J
The Joy of Sets winning streak has followed you! We are falling apart without your glue to hold us together!! Study hard and get back quickly - I don't know if we are going to make it. Miss you both so much!
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